Writing 101: Flat Characters

12:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments


I think all of us writers are guilty of having flat characters from one time or another. You think you have created a person full of depth just to find out your character is lacking personality.

So how do you give your character depth?

I like to look at the little things that make a character who he or she is.

-Maybe your character eats at a certain restaurant every Thursday night.
-Is your character left or right handed?
-What is your characters favorite flavor of ice cream?
-Maybe your character never ties their shoelaces, or they tuck them in their shoes.
-Your character's bedroom walls are plastered with posters of bands or artists he or she likes.
-What genre of music does your character like best? Does he or she enjoy listening to music?
-Does your character play any sports? Does he or she enjoy watching any sports? Does he or she think sports are a waste of time?

Please feel free to add your own pieces of advice below in the comments.


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