January 2016 Goals: My Happiness Project (Energy)

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Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe (and fun) New Year's Eve. Now that we are in 2016, many people are making a list of resolutions for the entire year. As I discussed in previous posts, I am trying something different this year. I recently read Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project and decided to create my own. I have six months of categories that I want to work on this year to improve my happiness. January's category is energy. Like Rubin, I think it is best to start my happiness project in a way that will leave me energized to complete the rest of it. I want to be consistent and form new habits that I can continue to use throughout the course of my life to make me happier.

In this post, I will go into depth on the different resolutions that fall under the Energy Category. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to post a comment. Here are my resolutions for January:

Wake up at 7AM every day (unless working).
I have already gotten myself into a habit of waking up earlier than I used to. I find that the later I wake up, the less motivation I have to do anything. I like waking up early and having the time and energy to accomplish my tasks for the day.

Be in bed by 9:30 every night.
I already follow this resolution. I have included it here to make sure I continue to follow it throughout this year.

Eat two servings of fruits or vegetables every day.
I have come to believe that I need to treat my body right. My body is the vessel my soul lives in during this life, and I need to start giving it the respect it deserves. I do not think it will be difficult to accomplish this resolution, as long as I stay mindful of why I want to do this. I want to be happier, and treating my body right will do just that. 

Get at least half an hour of exercise on days off of work.
This resolution isn't exactly necessary right now, as I work five days a week and average around 17,000 steps each of those five days. I want to start this resolution now to form a habit for when I am working less. I want to wake up on the days I don't work and want to walk outside or go to the gym, because I know it will make me feel better, internally and externally. I think that starting this habit now will change my thoughts, thus leading to consistency.

Cut out processed food.
I definitely need to work on this resolution. My body craves everything bad for it. I have started incorporating more healthy food into my diet the past couple of weeks and being mindful of the food choices I make. I want to completely cut out processed food and get to a place where I crave healthy food.

Complete 1 task on the list of things that need to be done.
I have a place where I write down nagging tasks that need to be accomplished over a longer period of time. It includes things like going through my closet and getting rid of all of my clothes I no longer wear and dusting my room (which includes dusting all of my knick knacks). I hope to get at least one of these tasks completed each month this year before I move to another country.

I know that I probably won't be able to accomplish all of my resolutions every single day. I'm not going to get mad as myself if I accidentally slip up and eat an Oreo or I occasionally lie in bed dreaming of junk food. My goal here is to start progressing towards being happier than I currently am. I'm not perfect; I'm not going to get it all right on the first try. Changing habits takes time, and I look forward to seeing what this next month and year bring me.

What are your goals for this month/year? I'm curious to know!


Check out my previous post here.

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