My Happy List

1:35 PM Unknown 2 Comments

I have been feeling pretty down lately. I have realized I am not the biggest fan of my job anymore, I hangout with people who are toxic to me, and I cannot seem to write anymore. I am very tired all the time, and I know I need to get out more than I already do.

So today to try and help myself with becoming happier, I have decided to make a list of some of the things that make me happy.

Nature Waterfall

My Happy List:

1.) The beauty of nature.
2.) Seeing people helping others out of the kindness of their hearts. (This morning I watched a family pull over on the side of the road and push someone's stalled car off of the road).
3.) Sesame chicken.
4.) My parents.
5.) Curling up before bed with a good book.
6.) Waking up a few minutes early and watching the trees blow in the wind.
7.) Movies-horror, comedy, romantic, Disney, etc.
8.) The idea of falling in love again in the future.
9.) Youtube beauty videos.
10.) Homemade cards.
11.) Bath & Body Works candles.
12.) Makeup.
13.) My co-workers.
14.) French braiding my hair. (It's a challenge because my hair is so curly).
15.) Learning new things.
16.) My sorority. (ASA).
17.) My college friends.
18.) Green tea with lemon.
19.) Red roses.
20.) Animals.
21.) Pizza.
22.) Smiling.
23.) Strangers returning my smiles.
24.) PJ shorts.
25.) Writing.
26.) Teaching.
27.) Inspirational speeches/talks.
28.) Being able to communicate freely with people.
29.) TV shows-GOT, OUAT, TWD, PLL, Falling Skies
30.) DIY projects.

Comment below and tell me what makes you happy!


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  1. Love this post! I may do something like this myself- love love love. Sunflowers make me happy and PIZZA !

    Cassandra of

    1. I'm glad you love this post! My secret weakness is pizza! :)))
