
8:42 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello friends!

I have been busy since we last spoke. I got into AND attended the course that I wanted to take to certify me in Teaching ESL. I learned a lot and made some lifelong friends out of it. Now that I have finished this course, I feel like there are so many things I can do. My dad told me that this is the beauty of being a fresh college graduate. I can do anything I want now. I just have to do it.

Here's my current plan for the upcoming months:
-get a temporary job (I've already sent out some applications)
-start conversational English classes as a second temporary job
-start looking into and applying for jobs overseas (I am concentrating on Thailand)
-be happy (take many walks in the woods, self-reflection, etc)
-learn as much as I can about English, teaching English, Thailand, and anything else I have time for.
-write and possibly send out some poems for potential publication

There are many plans for the next few months, but I know that these plans will get me where I want to be with myself as a person and my career. I hope you guys stick around for the next few months as I learn and grow on this journey called Adulthood.


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